Introduction to Numbots

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are delighted to inform you about an online learning platform called NumBots that we’re using to support your child’s understanding of number bonds and to help their addition and subtraction skills. These are the essential building blocks for higher-level maths concepts, so we are excited by the impact that NumBots will have on your child’s learning.

We will also be celebrating children’s achievements each week in our community crew, where we will be presenting the children’s certificates.

Logging In

The children have been shown how to log in and have brought home a username label containing their unique login details. NumBots can be played on a browser ( or via the app which is free to download on Amazon, Android and Apple devices. They may need help entering the details, but once they’re in they will be able to play the game on their own.

Please ask your child’s teacher if they are struggling to login.

Important: Please don’t allow siblings, friends or family to answer for them, as the programme progresses at the pace of each child. Do feel free to support your child if they’re stuck and give them encouragement to keep trying even if it takes a number of times to complete a level.

Children should all have logged in at school and be aware of how to log in.

Little and often

In order to get the best out of NumBots, we recommend that children play regularly for short bursts at a time, aiming for 3 minutes, five times a week.

Game Types

  • Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, representations and question styles.
  • Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head.

Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions or comments. 

KS1 – Humph the Camel

KS1 presents songs around the tree with Humph the Camel.

Performances will be 9.30 and 2.15 in the school hall on Tuesday 17th December.

We are limited to 2 tickets per child.

We are restricted to 120 people in the hall for each performance.

Please complete the booking form to request tickets.

FREE Doncaster City Football Kits for Children 4-12 years old on Saturday 30th November

Good Evening Plover Crew,

Mr Meade who plays for Doncaster City, would love to see as many Plover children and families to watch his Doncaster City Football match on Saturday 30th November! All children will get a FREE Doncaster City football kit with a paying adult!

Re-arranged Trip Details for 1CR and 2L

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Firstly, apologies for the late cancellation of the trip last week and thank you for your understanding. 

We are pleased to confirm that the trip has been rearranged for Tuesday 12th November 2024, for children in 1CR and 2L.

The fieldwork will include a walk to Sandall Beat Wood. The day will be spent in the activity centre doing different activities such as castle building and maybe even some campfire cooking!

The children will leave school at 9am and return to school by 3pm. Your child will need a packed lunch.  If children previously ordered a packed lunch this will be arranged.

Children are to wear school uniform for this trip with comfortable, appropriate footwear for walking in woodland. Please ensure your child brings an appropriate waterproof jacket in case of extreme weather during the walk. 

To help with finances at this time of year, the full cost of the trip will be covered by school. Therefore, there will be no charge for this trip. 

Additionally, if you had kindly agreed to join the visit to support the staff and children, please could you confirm that this is still the case with the class teachers. 

Mr Pickering (1CR) and Mrs Lewis (2L) will be leading the trip on this day.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding.

Mr Longley

KS1 Fieldwork Visits – Reminder

We are really excited to see you all back at school after half term. Just a reminder that we are straight into our Fieldwork visits. 2P and 1CU are on MONDAY and 2L and 1CR are on TUESDAY. Please make sure you have the correct day!

Children will need to be IN UNIFORM but please wear appropriate footwear for a walk into the woods, on uneven ground. Also, please have an appropriate coat for the visit. Children will need to bring their own bag for their packed lunches and remember to take plenty to drink. Please remember to provide a packed lunch unless you have ordered one from school already!

FREE Community Dance Lessons starting @ Plover

From Friday 8th November 2024 for 7 weeks, Plover Primary School will be opening up their facilities to the community for children from 5-13 years old, to take part in some FREE dance lessons 4.45pm-5.45pm.

Please complete the form below to register your interest and we will be in touch to confirm your place. Please note, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Parents can drop off and pick up children from Plover school’s main reception – via Coniston Road.

Thank you