Plover Sports for Champions Fundraising Reminder

Hi Plover Crew

In a couple of weeks we have, local sporting inspiration, Jason Cunningham visiting us on Tuesday 9th July!

We are all going to enjoy training like a champion and want to know who will be Plover’s fundraising Sports Champion?

Just a gentle reminder for all sponsorship money (big or small) to be handed into class teachers by next Friday 5th July the latest please 🙂

If you need another sponsorship form please ask your class teacher for one. #LovePlover

Sunny days

As the weather is due to be warm and sunny again today, please ensure that your child has sun cream on before coming to school, a water bottle and has a sun hat.

Thank you

EYFS team

Gravel please

For the EYFS outdoor area we need gravel and small stones to create a vehicle area where the children can use toy vehicles and create roads.

If you have or know anyone who has a large amount of gravel that they would donate to us it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

EYFS team
