Ice-cream making

What a fun morning! We made ice-cream in a bag. We enjoyed shaking the bag and seeing how the cream and milk changed. We preferred the ice-cream made out of cream. It was delicious.

Some children wanted another go so they made some during outdoor time. The problem was that the bag split and salt got into the ice-cream. This didn’t taste as nice!

Mrs Price


Working hard

Well done to Thomas for working hard in reading and moving up a reading shelf.

Zara has been very creative today pretending to be the teacher. She helped other children learn the alphabet, tricky words and graphemes.

Well done Thomas and Zara, you have been superstars today.

Mrs Price


Beautiful writing

Weronika worked really hard today to produce a beautiful piece of writing, in a thought bubble, about the ice cream she had tasted. Weronika used the ice cream flavour sheet to help her write strawberry then independently wrote the sounds she could hear in the other words. Well done Weronika for persevering!

Miss Wood


Ice cream tasting

This morning we have enjoyed trying different flavours of ice cream. We tried raspberry ripple, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, comparing the texture of them to the mr whippy ice cream we had yesterday. Afterwards we created a bar chart of our favourite flavours, chocolate was the clear winner!

Miss Wood


We are celebrating better world day on the 5th May!

We will be celebrating better world day on Thursday 5th May (a day early). We are asking children to come into school in blue or yellow and we are asking for voluntery contributions of 50p to raise money to send funds directly into Ukraine to support those in need.

We are also challenging children to take part in better world day by completing acts of kindness to make the world a better place and sharing these acts of kindness to myself- [email protected] so we can share all of the kind and wonderful things you get up to.

Thank you

-Miss Blakham


Enjoying ice-cream

As part of our expedition the children experienced having an ice-cream from the ice-cream van. They really enjoyed it!

Mrs Price


Ice cream!

This afternoon we have been lucky enough to have a visit from the ice cream man. It was delicious!

Miss Wood


We are Scientists

Today we have been exploring our senses, with foods that we might find in a chip shop at the seaside. We smelt, felt, tasted and touched vinegar (on rice), salt, bread and ketchup. The children used some great descriptive words such as gooey, rough, scratchy, smooth, sour and squashy. 

Miss Wood
