Well done to Arez for going onto yellow shelf. Super reading.
Mrs Price

Well done to Arez for going onto yellow shelf. Super reading.
Mrs Price
Today we have been learning about where the sea meets the shore. We watched a clip about looking in rock pools, found out information and then some children created it in small world.
Mrs Price
On Friday I gave out 3 postcards during phonics for super engagement and determination! You were all trying so hard, keep it up.
Miss Wood
This week Riley has our yellow T-shirt on! Riley always follows the plover pledge of working hard, getting smart and being kind and is always eager to extend his own learning. Well done Riley.
Miss Wood
Well done to Macey an Riley to be awarded the yellow T shirt this week.
Today we talked about how we are comfortable in our pyjamas, so it is snuggly when we read.
Well done to Harper and Avaarni for working hard in reading and moving on to yellow shelf. They have been superstars.
Mrs Price
We celebrated our love of stories today by wearing pyjamas, sharing our favourite stories and listening to the story Sharing a shell.
Mrs Price
Congratulations to Evanas for earning our yellow T-shirt today. He has worked hard in all his learning extending his ideas and making fantastic flippers and a suit of armour.
Well done Evanas
Mrs Price
We are pointing with our first finger, in order to count accurately, how many objects we have in a set.
Please send in pictures on ‘Evidence Me’ of you counting at home.
We are using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. Please practise using these words at home.