EYFS news

We have had a busy week in Foundation Stage learning about the Post Office and how postal workers help us. We have dressed up and delivered letters and parcels.

Here are some paintings of postal workers.

Both F2 classes had attendance over 97%. Well done.

The children are divided into 3 crew colours – red, yellow and blue. They earn crew coins for good behaviour, learning and being kind. The winning crew this week was red. Congratulations to the red crew.

In our crew sessions we have been learning about sharing and that sharing means we are caring for our friends and being kind.

Next week we are learning about the Jolly Christmas Postman, creating maps and re-telling the story. We are also creating our final product.

Mrs Price


Children in Need Day.

Today our children in the Foundation 1 setting have had a wonderful time. We have been speaking to our friends about our similarities and differences in our choice of clothes today.


Critiquing our houses that we have made.

We have made our houses after painting a box. We then put on a strong roof using card instead of paper and some windows and doors. After this, we talked about how we could improve our house. Some of the children added door handles, chimneys, letter boxes and curtains, after critiquing their model.


Our Family Tree

We have been drawing pictures of our families. Our drawings make up the leaves on a large, class, family tree. Thank you to everyone who sent in family photographs.
Our children are beginning to draw fantastic pictures.


In Foundation 1, we have been drawing ourselves. Initially, our faces had eyes, a nose and a mouth. Then, after a second attempt, our children were able to draw hair and ears on their faces. Please try this at home and send in your child’s drawing to me, via ‘Evidence Me’.

Thank you to all of our parent’s who have accepted ‘Evidence Me’. You will now be receiving photos and observations of the learning, which your child does at school. Please send in to me, anything they do at home, which you would like us to know about.

Many Thanks

Mrs Ibbertson