Well done everyone!

Today I would like to give a shout out to all of our parents, who are at home, juggling family, snow, shopping, pets, work and home schooling! Well done to all of you who are doing such a wonderful job. Five weeks into lockdown, it sometimes seems to get more difficult everyday, but you’re doing wonderfully. I apologise for my learning being late today, as leaky plumbing was added into my list of things to cope with this morning! Remember if I can help you at all, drop me an email and I’ll ring you back. Best wishes to you all, Mrs Ibbertson.



Snow again!

In the Foundation 1 setting, our outdoor learning is very important to us because it gives the children the ability to explore new experiences safely. The snow brings lots of new challenges that the children have to face, with regard to being able to learn in different environments safely. Well done children learning about staying safe, looking after each other, wearing the correct clothing and working together in these challenging conditions!

Who’s been eating my porridge?

In the classroom this week the children have been tasting hot porridge. Maybe you like it with salt, sugar or fruit on the top? They were pretending to be ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ eating their porridge.

At home Raegan has made these amazing puppets!

The bears are so big in Foundation 1!

In Foundation 1 this week, the children are painting the three bears and Goldilocks, on a large scale. They will be up on the wall to help the children to re-tell the story to each other. They use books, puppets and they make pictures to help them talk about the story.











In the classroom, we make story maps to put all the parts of the story in order. Here is the wonderful story map which the children have drawn parts of. They all worked together to make a finished map to help each other remember parts of the story.

Monday’s learning

Paisley found lots of items beginning with an ‘s’. She collected; a supermarket trolley with a spoon, a spider, a strawberry, some socks, some shampoo, a sweeping brush, a sausage and a scoop. What a great phonics detective you are!