Message from VC Photography

Thank you to every one who ordered photos from our recent portrait day, we are pleased to tell you that if you ordered print packs and chose the option for free delivery to School your order has just arrived and will be sent home with your child shortly. Ā If anyone wanted to order but didnā€™t get the opportunity you can still do so using the information on your proof card. Ā The cost of packs has not changed, digital files are still available for instant download and print packs are available to be sent to your home for a small P&P fee. Ā Ā Ā From what weā€™ve seen there will be some very happy family members receiving these photos this Christmas. Ā Thank you.

Important Notice For Tuesday

30 hours and afternoon children are welcome to come to school in sports wear on Tuesday (joggers and hoodies etc). In the afternoon we will be having a one off Christmas PE session lead by the sports coaches so they will need to be comfortable and have suitable footwear e.g. trainers.Ā 

Thankyou, Miss Wood


School Photography Orders

School Photos – 1 week left to order!

Just a quick reminder that we are rapidly approaching the deadline to order your photos for free delivery to School.  We have seen a wonderful set of proof cards with some fabulous smiles. If you would like to order your photos, please remember to do so by Monday December 4th so that they are delivered to School free of charge in time for Christmas.  
Donā€™t forget that your proof card contains one photo, but everyone has more photos in their online gallery to view.  Thank you.