KS2 – Learn to Ride a Bike: Survey (Parents please complete)

We have Bikeability, Cycle North and Olympic Cyclist Ed Clancy visiting on Tuesday 15th October.

They are going to work with non-rider children in KS2 (Years 3,4,5,6)

Please complete the survey by the end of Tuesday 8th October, so we know which children can and can’t ride a bike.


Thank you 

5S are scientists

Today, 5S investigated how the mass of objects can have an effect on their rate of falling toward Earth. We learned about the discovery of gravity and how it affects different objects in different ways. We also held a variety of objects in elastic bands, observing and recording how their mass affects how it stretches in accordance with gravity.

Times Table Rockstars

Well done to Crew Garnham on being this weeks TTRockstars winners!

A big shout out to Lola, Rydhian, Sumit, Kodish, Miksang and Rahand for being this week’s most active crew members on TTRockstars!

UKS2 autumn raffle

Year 5&6 pupils are raffling a stunning autumn wreath to raise funds for our phase. If you would like to purchase a ticket, they will be on sale until the 14th October at £1 a strip and you can buy them from 6B (Miss Blackham). Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to share with family and friends. You can also opt for a more generic wreath design should you wish to keep it up all year around 🙂

 -Miss Blackham
