For today’s P.E. we began by developing our bowling and batting skills in cricket. Unfortunately, rain stopped play so we headed inside to stretch and relax with some yoga. Great co-operation and involvement from all, well done!
3GS researching and writing about Fairtrade.
The class have worked together to research Fairtrade, then discussed it’s history, benefits and related products. They then all worked hard to produce some informative two page spreads. It was great to see you apply your learning in your writing!
Pride of Plover
We have had a number of great Pride of Plover pupils over the last few weeks.
Congratulations to them all, they have really lived the ‘Plover Pledge’.
Mrs Graves
3GS are writers!
3GS have all worked really hard to produce some fantastic setting descriptions of their own chocolate factories, I was very impressed with the effort and imagination of everyone in the class; you should all be really proud!
Here are a few examples of their beautiful work:
Speedy reading
3F have started using dictionaries in speedy reading to find the definition, and word class of different words. As well as this, some students have been using dictionaries in their writing to check spellings.
Cross country competition
Well done to all the people that participation in the KS2 cross country competition. You should all we so proud of yourselves!
Year 3 PE
Year 3 had been practicing underarm and over arm bowling today. Their goal was to hit the wicket with their throws, then once they were confident on this, they moved onto hitting the ball with the bat. They worked on improving their batting skills by hitting the ball back.