Blind date with a book

3F picked their favourite book and wrapped it up. On the front of the wrapping, we labelled the reading colour and wrote the first sentence or blurb of the book. We can now add our books to our Crew reading shelf. Would you like a blind date with a book?

Crew team building

Today, year 4 Crews enjoyed going out onto the field and playing some team building games. Well done Crew Farrow for winning the pipe and ball challenge!

We are Crew!

4F enjoyed adding to one of our Crew graffiti walls yesterday. We discussed what Crew means to us, and worked as a team to complete our part of the wall.

PE day

The year 4 PE day is Wednesday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit every Wednesday.

First day back

Welcome back to school! Yesterday, we launched our Crew week focus, reading. We enjoyed foraging for different materials to make our own book front cover. Some students were inspired by existing stories, like the three little pigs and Indiana Jones.

4GReat First Day Back!!!

It was lovely to see everyone back today and ready to start the autumn term of our new school year.

We have introduced the idea of the positive Character Traits: Respect; Compassion; Quality and Craftsmanship; Integrity and Courage and thought about which traits we would like to develop.

We also discussed our ‘First Week Back’ guiding question “How can we work together to achieve and end goal?” and how that applies to our end product of an outdoor library.

This afternoon we were inspired by books in our outdoor learning to create book images using natural resources.

Mrs Graves


Y4/5 winners

Well done to the Y4/5 team for winning the tournament against Mount Carmel and Park. Commiserations to our Y3/4 who gave it a good try coming joint 2nd. #LovePlover

Silent disco

Yesterday, we enjoyed a silent disco outside on the field.

Forget your troubles and dance!