Activ8 Half Term Camp at Plover

We are delighted to announce that Activ8 are going to hold a fun filled half term camp at Plover for the children of Plover in KS1/KS2 – it will run every day W/C 16th October 9am-3pm.

Booking on will be a first come, first serve basis and maximum of 30 children per day, at a discounted of Ā£10 a child.

Please click the link below to book on!

Academic crew with year 6 and year 3!

Year 6 were joined by Year 3 in academic crew this morning. We shared our guiding questions, the subjects we had engaged with so far and our final products. We also looked at beautiful work which we were really proud of and shared it explains why we were so proud of it!
It was a great session and opportunity to talk all things Expedition!

-Miss Blackham


Roman Role-Play

Today in 3GS, we have been role-playing the arrival of the Romans in Britain. We have been sailing for weeks across stormy seas, wading through icy-cold waves and fighting fearsome Celts.

Mrs Shuka


Step Right for the Romans

3GS have been getting active in expedition time, moving to the right for Romans and left for Celts. Can you identify which things were introduced to Britain by the Romans?

Mrs Shuka


Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival is next week and we would love to be able to use this as an opportunity to contribute to our Plover Pantry.

Our students ambassadors have been working hard to plan this yearā€™s Harvest festival. They politely request donations of non perishable foods (tins and dried foods) and have set all crews a challenge. The crew who brings in the most donations will win a milkshake and film treat! 

Donating means giving back to our community. Something we are really passionate about at Plover so please support us and donate what you can.Ā The deadline for donations is the start of school on Monday 2nd October but we are welcoming donations from today.Ā 

Also please remember that our Plover pantry is open to ALL parents. We always have lots of new and exciting stock and we would love to see more parents there. It is open every Wednesday at 2:15pm.

So come on Year 3 and 4 crews, you never know, you might win the film treat.

Mrs Graves


Place Value in Year 3

Today in year three we have been been learning to read, write and make numbers up to 1,000. Weā€™ve represented numbers with different manipulatives and learnt how important the place value of a number is. Did you know that the digit 9 can represent 9, 90 and even 900?

Mrs Shuka


P.E in 3F

Another rainy day meant Year 3 had to do their hockey lesson indoors this morning. The children did an amazing job of working in groups to pass their balls to each other. The children are showing great progress each week! Great work Year 3!


Miss Wood

Marvellous Museum Visit

3GS had a great day when we visited the Danum Museum and Art Gallery.

The workshop was fantastic, with a really informative introduction that helped us to learn about the Celts that lived in Britain before the Romans came. Then we learnt about what the Romans did for Doncaster. We had the opportunity to try on Celtic and Roman costumes and then we were able to handle genuine Roman artefacts.

In the afternoon we had a look around the museum, particularly at the Roman artefacts on display. We saw the very important Roman shield and a skeleton of a North African woman from the Roman era, found in Doncaster. Then, we chose objects that interested us a made a sketch of them.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Graves


LKS2 Homelearning

It has been lovely to see some Romans linked home learning being brought into school this week.

I would love to celebrate the great work completed at home in our Community Crew events, so keep bringing your home learning in. Not only do you get rewarded with crew coins, but you may also get a ‘Dip in the Box’ prize.

We love to see all your ideas, but if you want some more, have a look at the suggestions on the second page of the document attached to the blog.

I look forward to seeing what you bring in!

Mrs Graves
