LKS2 Parents Meeting – Times Tables Check

Year 3 and 4 parents are invited to a talk about the National Times Table Check (MTC), set by the government for all pupils in Year 4.

We will explain what the MTC is and how you can support your children in the run up to the check in June.

In the meantime, all Year 4 children are invited to Times Tables Breakfast Booster Sessions on Tuesday Morning, 8:20am.

With thanks

Mrs Graves


LKS2 Homelearning

Here is the Year 3 and 4 Expedition overview, useful links and suggested home learning activities.

Please note that children do have access to a range of online resources and we appreciate family support in ensuring children read (Reading Plus) and practise their times tables (Times Tables Rockstars) every day. Children can also access spelling shed to practise their spelling in a fun way.

Mrs Graves


Striking and fielding in Y3

Year 3 had a great morning learning how to accurately throw and catch a ball in their new PE unit- striking and fielding. They practiced underarm throwing and then learnt how to throw the ball at a chosen target. Great work Year 3!

Miss Wood


Chocolate factory dress-up day!

Year 3 took part in a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed dress up day to launch our new expedition: ‘From Bean to bar, what’s the cost of a bar of chocolate?’ You all looked amazing, fabulous effort!

Perfect Pinocchio

Many congratulations to Atlas, who trod the boards at the Doncaster Little Theatre over the Easter holidays.

He played the the central character of Pinocchio and even had to sing a solo of ‘I’ve got no strings’. Atlas had a great deal of lines to learn and spent a long time in rehearsals to prepare for the role.

Atlas brought a lovely collection of photos from the show to share with his class and crew.

Well done for your commitment and dedication Atlas, you have made us all very proud.

Mrs Graves
