We are scientists

We enjoyed setting up another science experiment to investigate how long it takes for an ice cube to melt in different areas. We observed that some materials change state.

We are scientists

Last week, we investigated oobleck by mixing cornstarch and water together. We set up a simple practical enquiry, and began to understand how to create a fair test.

Super Scientists in 3SG

This week we have been working as scientists, we have made Oobleck and tried to determine if it is a liquid or a solid, we have beenusing thermometers to find the warmest and coldest areas in school and then observing ice cubes to discover if temperature affects the rate of melting.

We really have been engaged in our learning and can’t wait to discover more about solids, liquids and gases.

Mrs Graves


Super Celebration of Learning for LKS2

I was so proud on Friday, as the children in Year 3 and 4 presented their learning for the spring expedition, ‘There is no Planet B – How can we protect our wonderful world?’

The children presented their learning with real confidence and they sang the song beautifully.

At the end of the celebration, parents were able to buy the artwork canvasses created by the children for a donation towards the Polar Bears International Charity. Through this and the chocolate tombola we raised and an amazing Ā£310.

Thank you all so much for all your support.

Mrs Graves and the LKS2 Crew



Inspired by the Dr Seuss story, we made our own Oobleck to investigate states of matter. We were intrigued to discover that Ooblek is a ‘non-Newtonian fluid’, meaning it behaves like both solid and liquid. We then wrote about our observations. Great fun, well done all!

Great scholarship in 3SG

After editing and improving their excellent information texts, the children worked on their reading and spelling skills by accessing classroom resources quietly. A great example of using initiative and leading your own learning – lovely to see!

We are readers

3F have been working hard in speedy reading to define key vocabulary from our text of the week.