3F have started using dictionaries in speedy reading to find the definition, and word class of different words. As well as this, some students have been using dictionaries in their writing to check spellings.
Cross country competition
Well done to all the people that participation in the KS2 cross country competition. You should all we so proud of yourselves!
Year 3 PE
Year 3 had been practicing underarm and over arm bowling today. Their goal was to hit the wicket with their throws, then once they were confident on this, they moved onto hitting the ball with the bat. They worked on improving their batting skills by hitting the ball back.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dress up day
Earlier this week, year 3 enjoyed dressing up as characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Striking and fielding in Y3
Year 3 had a great morning learning how to accurately throw and catch a ball in their new PE unit- striking and fielding. They practiced underarm throwing and then learnt how to throw the ball at a chosen target. Great work Year 3!
Miss Wood
Critiquing chocolates and packaging
As part of our immersion into the new expedition, today we critiqued a range of chocolates and chocolate packaging. It was great to hear your marvellous adjectives and ideas on why packaging was designed in particular ways.
Chocolate factory dress-up day!
Year 3 took part in a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed dress up day to launch our new expedition: ‘From Bean to bar, what’s the cost of a bar of chocolate?’ You all looked amazing, fabulous effort!