Marvellous manipulatives!

In Year 3, we have been using manipulatives to deepen our understanding of equal grouping as our first step into Multiplication and division. Children have successfully used cubes to represent requests such as 6 equal groups of 5 and 5 equal groups of 6, making links that they have the same total value. Well done everyone, you worked really hard; used the cubes to get smart; were kind to others by helping out when needed; and produced some beautiful work too! Thank you Year 3ā€¦you rock!

Mrs Haycock


First day back in 3B

Happy New Year! 3B have had an amazing start to first week back.

Shoutout to those children who made a special effort to dress up as a robot for the occasion. We spent the morning in our crews completing some activities to hook the children into the learning for our new expedition this term. These activities included investigating the internal organs, skeleton and muscles using AI and interactive games; classifying robots; making electronic circuits and cutting and sticking robots and skeletons.

Children were given a word at the end of each workshop to workout our new guiding question: The power of life: What makes us human?

As reward for solving the puzzle and in preparation for Fridayā€™s learning, we spent the afternoon watching the film Robots.

The children are all hooked in and excited to learn more.

Miss Brown


We are problem solvers!

Years 3 and 4 have worked with each of the six crew leads today to carry out a range of activities that link to our new learning. If successful, they were given a word from the crew leader. Then they had to shuffle these words around so they made sense as a title and question. We finally worked it outā€¦

The power of life: What makes us human?

Well done to everyone who managed to complete Mrs Haycockā€™s challenge of beat the buzzer. Everyone successfully built their wire buzzer (or in our case light) game! Extra shout out to the 6 children who managed to complete the game without setting the buzzer off.

I hope you all had fun in my session guys; I know I had lots of fun and that I am very proud of you all!

Mrs Haycock


Are we human or are we robots?

Years 3 and 4 had an exciting hook day today for their new expedition. Many dressed up as robots and the effort from those who made their own costumes was exceptional! Well done and thank you parents who Iā€™m sure would have lent a helping hand with these!

Mrs Haycock


Thank you, 3H parents!

Thank you to all parents of 3H pupils. We have had a long and difficult term but your children have all worked so incredibly hard – all day, every day! Even illness didnā€™t keep some of them away. Every child has dug deep and been resilient to the little coughs and sniffles that have attacked us all at some point. For this they need to feel proud.

I also want to say a huge thank you for all of my wonderful gifts but you all need to know that having the opportunity to help your children and see them grow in knowledge, independence, resilience and character is the biggest gift I could ever receive.

For those who celebrate, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Hereā€™s to two weeks of sleep!

Mrs Haycock


We are being active

Well done to everyone in 3H who achieved their WOW badge this month for getting to school in a healthy, active way. Keep it up! The health benefits alone are worth it, never mind the benefits itā€™ll have on a healthier planet with reduced car emissions! Great work folks.

It is great that 17/24 children have received this monthā€™s badge – 2 were absent for the photograph, my counting skills are not quite as bad as Icerinkā€™s.

Mrs Haycock


We couldnā€™t guess his name so look at the chaos he caused!

3H have been trying to guess the name of their class elf for the last few weeks. They were convinced it was Haycock Junior as he tormented them as much as I do but unfortunately they failed in their guess, so he caused pure destruction on the final day of term. He did find a moment of niceness though when he stuffed our fake grenades with yummy chocolateā€¦thank you Icerink and well done to Sienna for working out where he had hidden the chocolate from the clues he left us!

We hope to see Icerink and his army of elves, who kept multiplying during the final day, next year. We wonder if he could go back to elf school though because his spelling is absolutely atrocious and we would love to know how one elf became two, then three and finally fourā€¦our minds were blown and the excitement kept building!

Have a wonderful break everyone, you deserve it! Keep safe, be happy and have fun! I look forward to seeing you all safe and sound in 2025!

Mrs Haycock


Party fun in Y3

Year 3 had a great time celebrating the end of a long and difficult term. Everyone has worked so hard and every pupil needs to feel pride for the achievements they have fulfilled. We hope you all have a wonderful two weeks rest and for those who celebrate it, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas too!

Mrs Haycock


Merry Christmas 3B!

We have had a lovely last week of school in 2024. It was filled with lots of fun Christmas activities including: making Christmas cards, tree decorations and calendars as well as a fun Christmas party and a quick visit from Santa. Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. See you in 2025!

Miss Brown
