Super Subtracting

We’ve been building up all term to learn how to subtract across 10 using column method. We cracked addition last week and the children made me so proud tackling this tricky method. Well done 2L!

Handwriting Competition Winners

Congratulations to everyone who entered the Handwriting competition – you have produced some beautifully presented poems and it was very difficult to judge.

Everyone who entered has earned a prize but the overall winners were:

Come and see me at play time on Monday for your prize.

Mrs Graves


Measuring Length 📏

In our lesson this week, weā€™ve been learning how to measure using non-standard units. Our Elfie set us a challenge to measure some of his new sleigh designs to see which one was the longest!

Reading Partners in Phonics

KS1 children are trying so hard in their phonics to develop their speedy reading! Well done Kaya working hard on your reading. #LovePlover

Making things add up!

2P have been working really hard this week to use knowledge of Place Value to begin using the column method of addition. It was amazing to see so much thinking and collaborative problem-solving taking place as they grappled with the method. It was so good that today we’ll make it even harder by regrouping!


KS1 Celebration of Learning!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to come and celebrate the learning that the children in KeyStage 1 have done during their expedition. The children presented their learning beautifully and revealed the amazing Buddy Benches we raised money for. Seeing so many grown-ups listening to their children as they shared their books and participated in our kindness activities was amazing. A fabulous end to so much hard work!

We would like to give an extra special thank you to Flynn’s Grandad who very kindly made a donation towards the work that we have done. Generosity of this nature is overwhelming and massively appreciated!

Well done everybody!


Change of PE Days

Up until Christmas there will be changes to 1LI and 2P PE day.


Monday and Tuesday


Double session on Thursday

Please can children wear their PE kits on these days.

1M, 2L and 1/2K PE days will remain unchanged.

British Values

In Crew today, we have learnt about British values and how to live them daily. We practised signing some of the keywords we think of when talking about British Values and then made posters to remind us of them.