KS1 Deep Trip

As part of our Spring Term expedition, The Blue Planet: How will what I do today impact tomorrow?ā€™, we would like to take the opportunity to take our KS1 children to complete fieldwork at The Deep in Hull. The visit will be a full day where the children can see the spectacular aquariums with over 3500 fish and other marine life.

We will also be participating in a Save Our Seas workshop, which will help us answer our guiding question – How will what I do today impact tomorrow?

To keep costs as low as possible the trip will be split across two days, 13th and 14th March.

1C, 2L and a group from 12K will visit on the 13th March 2024.

1M, 2P and a group from 12K will visit on the 14th March 2024.

Please could we ask that any outstanding consent forms and packed lunch orders are returned to school as soon as possible.

Payment and consent details are available on Parentpay

If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the team.

Fact Files 🐦

As part of our writing unit, we have been looking at the Big Book of Birds. We started off writing about Parrots, making sure we used and to join our sentences. Then we applied what we had learned to writing about Flamingos. This week the children have completed an independent writing tasks about Robins. Very proud of you 1/2K. You are amazing. 🌟

Life Cycles 🦋

This afternoon we have been talking about life cycles and metamorphosis. We then created the life cycle of a butterfly using different shapes of pasta to represent each stage.

KS1 Movie Night

Thursday 1st February 15:00 – 16:30

As part of the expedition, we will be learning how bees and insects play an important role in helping our planet survive.

We want to invite the children to attend the KS1 Movie Night. We will be watching The Bee Movie.

The event is free to attend. However, we would appreciate any donations to help our birds survive in our eco-garden. This could be some bird feed, feeders, fat balls or a homemade bird feeder.

Please could you complete the form attached to book a place.

Booking Form

Bird Experts 🦅

This afternoon 1/2K took part in an online learning lesson all about Birds. As part of the lesson we learned about lots of different varieties of birds that we might find here in the U.K. and what we can do to help look after them as lots of birds are losing their habitats.

We had lots of fun taking part in the quiz online!

Bird experts

This afternoon, we had a webinar with experts that taught us about habitats and biodiversity. We were able to use the knowledge that we have already learned to answer questions about habitats and birds. There are over 11,000 different bird species and we hope to be able to identify some of them when we do our Big Bird Watch event next week!


Building Habitats: Protecting our Planet!

Key Stage 1 have been learning about the importance of plants and trees to our planet but also about how they provide habitats for birds and other wildlife. Today, we started work on our final product for our expedition. Using our experts from the Council, we have planted 5 fruit trees to create a mini-orchard and also many different types of plants to create a hedgerow along the boundary of the fence.

We learnt about how to care for our newly planted saplings and also how we can protect them whilst they are still establishing themselves in their new home. We can’t wait to see how they grow and develop in the months and years to come. Hopefully, one day, we will have apples, pears, cherries and plums to eat!

The trees and hedges were kindly provided by the Tree Council as part of their Orchards for Schools project.


The Tree Council Website

What do we want?

2P have been exploring the difference between the basic things that we NEED to survive in a habitat and the things that we might WANT. There were some very interesting discussions – especially around technology!


All about the shape!

2P have been exploring different 2D shapes this week. We have counted the number of sides and vertices and realised that there is a relationship between them! We then used the geoboards to help us to to make different shapes before we learnt how to draw them.
