To be or not to be!

2P have been learning about different verb types in English. We are becoming very good at recognising action verbs and verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to have’. We went on a verb hunt today to spot each different type of verb and then we recorded them in the correct group. Great work 2P!



We had a great week in Year 2 last week, we enjoyed finding out about different materials and their properties. We investigated different materials and what their uses were. We sorted the materials based on different properties and explored why certain objects are made from particular materials.

Mrs Lewis and Mr Pickering


Parts of a castle

Last week in Year 2 we were finding out about how castles have changed over time and learning about the different parts of a castle. The children worked in pairs to label the castle and we discussed how castles are different to our own houses.

Mrs Lewis


We had a Ball!

After a busy week of preparation, 2P finally enjoyed our Royal Ball. An honorary King and Queen was chosen at different points in the event and they had to decide which group had amused them the most! The children did some Knight training and learnt to Joust, followed by some Jester training learning to juggle. Later, we learnt to do a short Royal Ball dance and finally did some soldier fitness with some skipping. The Kings and Queens were most amused!


Ready for a Ball

This week, 2P have hooked into our new Expedition; Rags to Riches: What lies within the Castle walls?

Dragons started our week and we went on a dragon hunt. We used our adjectives to make a simple poem. We have studied shields, their emblems and the designs you might find on a banner. We then made our own shields with personal designs that said something about us. Our class banner also represented everyone in the class.



Exciting news! 2L has been lucky enough to have been given a PE slot with the coaches each week.

PE will be on THURSDAY each week so please send your child to school in their PE kit.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Lewis

Day 2 and 3 in 2L

This week we designed fairy doors for our crew community project, we took part in some graffiti artwork and played a team building game where we had to work out which colour sticker we had on our heads. The children were not allowed to speak and instead had to communicate in different ways. I was very impressed by their signing skills!

On Day 3, we enjoyed creating our fairy doors and our very own fairy wings.

Mrs Lewis


Does Crew stop at the gate?

Year 2 has concluded their exploration of this guiding question. We have taken our fairy doors into the local woodland and hope they will make people smile as they spot them. Please leave our doors where they are if you do spot them! We have also left a little present near each door. This has a little book to share at home and a handwritten poem by Year 2 to share the excitement of opening a book. We hope that when people have read the books, they will put them back into the bags and re-hide them for someone else to find.
