2P have been working hard to create fact families using manipulatives in Maths. We explored the parts and wholes and worked out the different positions they can be in when we write adding or subtracting number sentences. Great work 2P!
2P have been working hard to create fact families using manipulatives in Maths. We explored the parts and wholes and worked out the different positions they can be in when we write adding or subtracting number sentences. Great work 2P!
In 2L we have been very busy designing and making a contraption to keep Humpty Dumpty save and stopping him from cracking when he falls. We used our scientific knowledge of materials to choose suitable materials and worked collaboratively to bring our designs to life. We made sure our test was fair and it was very nail biting seeing if we were successful!
Mrs Lewis
Congratulations to the first Pride of Plover winners in KS1 this year. You have shown us that you work hard, get smart and be kind! Thank you also to the grown-ups who were able to join us for this morning’s celebration.
2P continued our work investigating the properties and suitability of materials. We have been challenged to save Humpty Dumpty so he won’t crack when falling from the wall. We created our own designs using our scientific knowledge and then did a gallery walk to spot the strengths of other people’s designs. We then worked collaboratively to make some of our designs come to life. We must now conduct a fair test to see if they will work!
In Crew we have been thinking about how nice it feels when someone is kind to us. Whether they helped us with our work, helped us when we fell over or picked up our coat when it fell on the floor.
We all thought about the last thing we did that was kind and what things we could do to be kind to others. We each made a Kindness Coupon and shared our kind deeds with our friends and grown ups in school and at home.
Mrs Lewis
2P has investigated which material would be best to construct a castle with. We made simple castles out of aluminium foil, paper, cardboard, plastic, bricks and wood. We then tested whether the materials would easily be destroyed by a projectile, by a strong wind or if they would easily burn. We realised that paper and foil were terrible choices and that the best material would be brick.
Well done to these four children who have impressed me so much in Maths this week. These children have challenged themselves and done some wonderful Place Value problem solving!
Mrs Lewis
2P have continued our investigation into materials and the suitability of materials for different purposes. We sorted materials by their properties and then investigated whether they were waterproof, strong and windproof. We discovered that materials can be different depending on what they are used for. We tested whether our outside wooden shed was waterproof by standing inside it and pouring water over the roof. We discovered that although the wood was generally waterproof, there were a few holes that allowed the water in! A small shock for a few children! We then collected our results and decided which materials would be best to build a house from.
Dear parents and carers
We would like to invite you to meet with your child’s new class teacher to share how they have settled into the new school year. If you have already attended a SEND meeting for your child, you do not need to book a parent check in.
If you haven’t already done so, please selectĀ an appointment via the Google calendar links below.
1Cu – Miss Cunningham – Booking Link
1Cr – Mr Longley – Booking Link
2L – Mrs Lewis – Booking Link
2P- Mr Pickering – Booking Link
Many thanks
KS1 Team