Following instructions

In English this week Year 2 have been busy reading instructions, following instructions and identifying the features of instructions. Today the children followed instructions and made a sun catchers. They look fantastic and really brighten up our classroom. Well done everyone, you did a great job!

Mrs Lewis


Safer Internet Day

2P have been learning about how to keep safe online. This year we have particularly focussed on how to avoid being scammed by people who might want to trick us and steal our personal data. We explored how we would feel and how we can seek help from a trusted adult.


Great Maths Learning

Well done to Year 2 who have been learning about equal and unequal groups and how this links to repeated addition. We have then begun to learn how the multiplication symbol can be used to represent this. We are doing great work and becoming more expert in our Maths skills.


Pride of KS1

Congratulations to last week’s winners of the KS1 Pride of Plover. We heard how you have shown determination to improve your learning and how you are developing your confidence. It is great to hear and keep it up!


Success in Y2

Congratulations to the children in Year 2 who have had an amazing week with brilliant progress on NumBots and Reading Plus.

Well done for working hard and getting smart!

Mrs Lewis


Yummy veggie fajitas

As part of our expedition, Ready, Steady, Grow: How can I be the healthiest version of me? 2L has been preparing food. We worked in small groups and carefully sliced peppers, mushrooms, and onions, as well as peeling and grating carrots and cheese. We then cooked the veggies and turned them into vegetable fajitas. They were yummy!

Mrs Lewis


Peeling Grate!

As part of our Expedition, 2P has been practising our basic food preparation skills. We discussed the importance of good hygiene and food safety before we began any work. We split into groups and practised safely slicing peppers, mushrooms, and onions, as well as peeling and grating carrots. We then cooked these slowly to make them nice and soft. After this, we combined our ingredients to make lovely vegetable fajitas. They were delicious! Great work 2P!


Orla Kiely inspired artwork in Y2

Today in 2L we began our Orla Kiely inspired artwork. We have found out about Orla’s bold, printing style and we have used that to create our own work of art. The children are looking forward to completing their work later on in the week.

Can you guess what our artwork might be?

Mrs Lewis


Planting in Y2

In Y2 we have been checking in on our planting experiments from last week. The seeds we watered had started to grow but the one without sunlight did not look very healthy. The ones we planted without water have not done anything at all. The children’s predictions were correct, plants need water, sun and the correct temperature to grow healthy and strong.

It was great to see some children’s cress plants come back into class so we could see how they had grown. Well done to our green-fingered classmates!

Mrs Lewis
