Finding Half!

In our lesson today we were recognising and finding half of a quantity. We know from our previous lessons that finding a half is when there are two equal groups. Around the room we had different numbers that the children worked in groups to find half of.

We then talked about having an odd numbers. We cannot find a half of an odd number as there will always be a spare.

School Uniform Tomorrow – Class Photos

Hi Year 1

Just a reminder for all children to come in school uniform tomorrow for their school photos.

It is PE day, but come in school uniform please so all children look smart and smiley!

Thank you šŸ™‚

KS1 Pride of Plover Winners

Well done to Ines, Sienna, Kodie-Lee, Ellis, Nina and Ellie who are our Pride of Plovers this week!

Some of the reasons being: 100% attendance all year, improved reading, working hard on their writing, improved behaviour and lovely, kind children! #LovePlover

Head lice information and advice

Within most schools at any one time, there will be a small number of children infected with head lice. Infection levels remain fairly constant so we need your help to combat the bugs!

As a school, it is our job to ensure parents/carers are provided with the advice and support to effectively detect and treat cases of head lice affecting their own children.

We understand your frustrations and concerns regarding head lice. The attached leaflet has some answers to your questions.

Batting and BSL

In PE last week children enjoyed practising their batting skills with a cricket bat. On Friday, children completed their BSL greetings unit! #LovePlover