Thank you to everyone’s donations towards the Comic Relief Penny Trail. The children helped to stretch the Penny Trail into the KS1 playground. We had a great day in our red clothes!
Mrs Lewis
Thank you to everyone’s donations towards the Comic Relief Penny Trail. The children helped to stretch the Penny Trail into the KS1 playground. We had a great day in our red clothes!
Mrs Lewis
Well done to the 9 Y2 children who took part in this afternoons Dodgeball tournament at Armthorpe Academy! Lots of energetic and enthusiasm shown by all! #LovePlover
2P have learnt how germs can easily be spread and why it is important that we wash our hands and have good hygiene. We discussed the different ways that we can keep ourselves clean and then did an experiment that shows how quickly and easily germs can spread to each other through contact. Kaya ‘sneezed’ on her hand and then the class all shook hands with each other. It’s amazing how quickly the ‘germs’ spread! We then practised how we can wash our hands thoroughly. We then made posters to share what we had learned with others.
2P has planted a new set of fruit trees on behalf of KS1 to add to our orchard, which we started creating last year. Our expert visitors guided us through the process and we used our learning to help them with the planting. We were able to identify the parts of the tree, the type of tree and then we made sure that the tree had everything that it needed to give it the best chances of growing healthily. Hopefully they will provide us with lots of different fruit in the years to come.
2P had a great time celebrating World Book Day. We all wore amazing costumes and even shared some of our favourite books. We enjoyed our story-telling workshop with Phil Sheppard and even got a free book to take home! We shared our new books and loved all of the fun that we had.
We had such a wonderful World Book Day in 2L. The children looked amazing dressed as their favourite characters and they enjoyed a visit from local author Phil Sheppard. The children all enjoyed choosing a brand new book and some of them literally couldn’t put them down! Don’t forget to use your book token to buy another book, I can’t wait to hear about which ones you choose. Happy reading!
Mrs Lewis
2P have used our work on Dennis Wojtkiewicz to inspire us to produce watercolour paintings of different fruit cross sections. We worked extremely carefully and used different techniques and brushstrokes to create different effects. We did brilliantly!
2P have had another busy week with learning on NumBots. We had so many certificates to share this week to celebrate our achievements. We even had someone in the top 3 of all four leaderboards this week! Brilliant work!
2P have been using our work on instructions to create and make a pancake batter. This also linked to our expedition as we explored the processes of food preparation. We also looked at the religious and historical background to why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday and how it is celebrated in different ways around the world. We chose different toppings and then ate them all up. Delicious!
A bumper edition to include our winners from before half term as well as last week. It was great to see Henry and Flynn getting the award for their renewed attention and determination to their learning and Yuvaan and Zehra for trying so hard with their learning.
Last week we heard how well Bella listens so well to critique and uses this to keep challenging herself, how Oliver had been showing kindness, Riley had made such brilliant progress in maths and how Trishan has been trying so hard in his learning.
We are proud of you all!