Fine Motor Skills

Today we have been working as a team to practise our fine motor skills. We had to squeeze our peg open to get the plate, then squeeze to realise our peg from the plate once we had passed it on. This was tricky at first as we could not touch the plate with our other hand but we soon got quicker at getting the plate around the circle, just using our pegs.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

Well done to Sophia and Sylas who got our yellow T-shirt this week. Sophia has shown a huge improvement in her attitude to learning and always has beautiful manners. Sylas has shown great perseverance with his maths work this week and achieved his goal of being able to do repeating patterns.

Miss Wood


Who is hiding of the pages of this book?

We started our hook week off by reading the story “The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster” and discussing what our favourite nursery rhymes and fairytales are. We then dressed up as our favourite fairytale characters. Well done to our 3 winners for the best handmade costumes; Jaxon, Niana and Eymen!

Miss Wood


Happy Christmas from EYFS

F2 performed the nativity at Flintwood Methodist Church this morning. Thank you to them for such a warm welcome and we hope that the signing, singing and acting brightened their day.

This afternoon we all joined in with carols around the tree.

We would like to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in January ready for our new expedition “Once upon a time”. Don’t forget to think about the costume you are going to dress in.

Mrs Price and all the EYFS staff


Soft Play

We have had lots of fun on our new soft play equipment this morning. We have done some great balancing, rolling and moving in different ways.

Miss Wood


Christmas Party

Here is a link to the video of our Christmas party today. We have had lots of fun playing pass the parcel, musical bumps, eating party food and dancing. Miss Wood and Mrs Melady both hope you have a wonderful, magical Christmas! Last day tomorrow, don’t forget PM/30 hours children will be collected at 2pm.

Miss Wood



A huge well done to everyone in F1 who took part in our nativity today, you were all absolutely fantastic! There was some amazing singing and signing, I am so proud of you all.
Don’t forget tomorrow is Christmas party day, I can’t wait to see your beautiful party/Christmas outfits.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

Cohen-Joe got our yellow T-shirt this week for being a perfect example of our Plover pledge! Cohen always works hard, gets smart and is a kind friend. He has swapped nursery sessions with no fuss and settled in really well, making lots of new friends. We are so proud of your resilience and hard work Cohen. Keep being a superstar!

Miss Wood
