Travelling around the Land of Nod

Today in maths we used lots of directional words and position words. The children were able to use forwards, backwards and sideways. Some of the children are competent at using left and right.

We moved around the different places in the story.

Mrs Price


The Land of Nod Map

We put the pictures from the story onto the right place on our giant floor map. We used above, below, to the side, right and left. We asked the children to stand on one place in the map and follow our directions. We used left, right, forwards and backwards to get to different parts of The Land of Nod.

Super writers!

I am so proud of our phonics group today. They worked so hard on sitting properly, holding their pencils, sitting their letters on the lines and starting from the right place. They even spelled some words correctly and wrote them beautifully! They have been working hard and getting smart!

Mermaid maths

In our story this week, the mermaid was running out of time. It started with ten minutes and on each page a minute passed. We used our cubes on the carpet to represent the minutes passing. We could see the minutes that had passed on the floor and the minutes that were left in our hands. We saw our number bonds to ten and the subtraction facts that go with it. We loved seeing the patterns and some of us knew the numbers because we can remember our number bonds to ten, without having to count. After that, in provision, some awesome mathematicians wrote down what we had found out.

Active maths in F2B

F2B had so much fun this afternoon doing some active maths in class. We read the story ā€˜Ten minutes to bed Little Mermaidā€™ where the children learnt how long 1 minute was. We then guessed how many times we could do different activities in 10 minutes such as hopping on one foot or rubbing our tummies after lunch! We then timed each other to see if we were right!

Keep up the great work F2B!

Miss Wood.

We Care Wednesday Crew

Over the last week, we have been learning about staying safe in the sun. We made posters to remind everyone about wearing sun-hats, finding shade, applying suncream and drinking plenty when it is hot and sunny. We critiqued our posters to check we shared the safety message.

Preparing for our CoL (Celebration of Learning)!

We started the week in mini crews planning what we could have at our celebration of learning. We then did a gallery walk to see everyoineā€™s ideas. After that, we decided which posters we would need at the event and we worked in pairs to make them. We have been artists and planners and writers!