Teddy biscuits

This term our expedition in EYFS is ā€œBe kind:How do we show we care?ā€ We will be raising money to buy teddy bears for the childrenā€™s home.

Children will be able to buy a teddy biscuit for 50p and money raised will go towards buying the bears. 

Please return the slip (which will be in your child’s bag today or tomorrow) if you would like your child to buy a biscuit.

Thank you for your support

EYFS team

1CR last week

Last week, 1CR made a great start to the last few weeks. We have been impressed with their maths work and their beautiful handwriting. We have been working hard to learn about castles and start to understand the different parts of the castles.

The Colour Monster

Our text this week has been the Colour Monster. We have been unpicking the different emotions as we have been through lots of different feelings this week as it has been a big change! The children hunted for colour monsters and completed different exercises. We have some beautiful pieces of writing and learned all about what makes each other happy, sad, angry, scared, calm, and what we all love. We also learned about the primary colours and mixed them to create secondary colours. It was lots of FUN!

Graffiti Artist!

On Wednesday, we met James! James talked to us all about Graffiti art. Unfortunately, we were a bit too young for the spray paints but we did a fabulous job rolling the background.

Outdoor Learning!

This week we have been making the most of the wonderful weather we have had! On Wednesday we explored shapes, inspired by our experience with the Graffiti Artist, we had a Graffiti shape table where the children could draw around, colour and label. We then went outside to use natural objects like sticks, stones, grass and even a couple of acorns that we found to make shapes!

On Thursday, we were inspired by the abstract workings of Kandinsky and we have recreated his work through different mediums, including outdoor objects! As well as developing their creativity, they had to work together as a team to find resources and make a piece together. We then viewed each other’s creations and talked about what we liked about them.

On Friday, we continued to work on our team work and communication skills. We had to pass a hoop around the circle. We made it more challenging by splitting into two teams and having a competition then forming a big circle with multiple hoops going around. It was wonderful to see the children, helping each other, intructing each other and cheering each other on. We are going to be the most incredible team this year, 1CR!

Street Art with 1CU

Yesterday, the children met with a very talented graffiti artist to create one of the new murals on the outside of the school. They discovered different types of paint, and all had a go at creating the background on the new mural you will find near FS2.

The children listened and followed instructions very well and demonstrated their Be Kind HOWL by sharing equipment and taking turns!

1CU are Artists!

On our first day in Year 1, 1CU dusted off their creative skills and had a go at some pastel art, based on the artist Wassily Kadinsky. We looked at different pieces he had created and the colours he had used before deciding on how we would use his work as inspiration for our own!

Have a look at some of our beautiful circle drawings using oil pastels!

1CR Last Week

Another busy week in 1CR.

As mathematicians, we have been learning how to find one more, one less, and compare numbers and objects. Using the new mathematical signs to compare was tricky, but we persevered and made everyone proud of our determination to understand the concept.

As writers, we have been continuing to develop our handwriting as well as using adjectives to describe the wolf and the pig. We have enjoyed learning about the ‘True Story of the Three Little Pigs’.

As scientists, we have been finding out about the different uses and properties of common materials. This will help us to think about the best materials to use within castles and for protection.

We also enjoyed a special visitor. Heather from the Children’s University visited to tell us all about the university, how to collect hours and to show us what happens at the graduation ceremony.

Schoolā€™s out for Summer!

A huge thank you to my wonderful class for all the joy this year. I will miss you all and thank all you wonderful families for just being the best! Have a great summer together x Mrs Bubb x