Year 1’s “Best Day Ever!”

Today, in Year 1, we have been ALL ABOUT PANCAKES. We did pancake quizzes, pancake colouring, made pancake ingredients shopping lists, sequenced our pancake-making instructions and then, for our grand finale, we made our very own pancakes from scratch! They were delicious!

We have loved every second of it, and the children are calling it the “best day ever!” Enjoy some of the highlights from today!

Pride of Plover

A bumper edition to include our winners from before half term as well as last week. It was great to see Henry and Flynn getting the award for their renewed attention and determination to their learning and Yuvaan and Zehra for trying so hard with their learning.

Last week we heard how well Bella listens so well to critique and uses this to keep challenging herself, how Oliver had been showing kindness, Riley had made such brilliant progress in maths and how Trishan has been trying so hard in his learning.

We are proud of you all!


Wacky Hair Day

Good evening,

As a reward for winning our crew incentive, the children inĀ Crew JobberĀ have won a wacky hair day! OnĀ Thursday 6th March, they will be invited to come to school with special hair (if they choose to).
ā€‹We have attached some ideas, but we look forward to seeing their special hair creations.

Crew Jobber – Bria, Reggie, Ava, Alice, Bobby, Kobi, Vinne, Georgie, Valancie, Bianca, Emilia, Ivy-Isabella, Amelia, Abubakr, Ronnie, Manutha

Here is a picture of Crew Lewis last year for inspiration

Pride of KS1

Congratulations to last week’s winners of the KS1 Pride of Plover. We heard how you have shown determination to improve your learning and how you are developing your confidence. It is great to hear and keep it up!


Pride of Plover

Well done to our KS1 winners this week. It was lovely to hear how you have grown in confidence and how independent you are all becoming. We were blown away by Rishaa’s beautiful writing, Kuba’s lovely reading, Boromir’s brilliant attitude to learning and Kaya’s growing confidence. Well done to every one of our winners this week.


Rock Steady!

KS1 were visited by Tim from RockSteady today. He showed us all of the exciting instruments we can learn if we sign up to some music lessons. We drummed along, sang and played our air guitars! We had a great time and even made our own band by the end of the session. We had great fun and we’re really keen to start learning instruments. You never know, we could be having our own performances by the end of the year! Please check out the letter for details!


1CU are Seeing Double!

During their maths lesson today, 1CU used mirrors to magically make the doubles appear! We challenged ourselves to write the number sentences that matched the doubles we could see and enjoyed making some ginormous numbers!

Road Safety in KS1

Last week in KS1 the children enjoyed finding out all about keeping safe on the road. We were joined by Charlotte and Muffin the cat and learned all about how to walk safely near the road and how to safely cross the road using crossings. The children all enjoyed singing along and Stop, Look, Listen and cross in a straight line.

Thank you for coming to visit us, we loved it!