Every week KS1 share stands, apologies, praises and appreciations! We then celebrate or reflect on crews attendance, reading and HoWLs! #LovePlover

Every week KS1 share stands, apologies, praises and appreciations! We then celebrate or reflect on crews attendance, reading and HoWLs! #LovePlover
F2, Y1 and Y2 enjoyed lots of sporting activities today!
Thank you to SportsCool Coaching for your brilliant games and tri golf activities. Thank you to Active Fusion and Kixx for your active PE sessions too.
Children then enjoyed a fish and chip shop dinner! #LovePlover
Well done Angel and Leo who are our yellow t-shirt winners this week for working hard on the assessments and activities! #LovePlover
Today, we all enjoyed a treat of an icecream or an ice lolly. We absolutely loved visiting the icecream van with our crews and spending our class cash! The teachers even got to have one after school too. #loveplover
Hi Year 1 Crew
Just a reminder that 1M and 1B have their Presentation of Learning this Thursday 29th June at 2pm-3pm in the hall.
We look forward to seeing as many grown ups as possible, so the children can show their beautiful work! #LovePlover
Today and yesterday the children have finished their beautiful final writes about The Man on the Moon! We can’t wait to show Mrs Ogle tomorrow #LovePlover
Crew Meade enjoyed listening to Kodie-Lees new Avengers book, then we became authors and created our own poem about our favourite colours! #LovePlover
Mr Meade’s and Miss Farrow’s clubs merged on Friday and enjoyed a Harry Potter themed Sports club! All the children worked superbly together. #LovePlover