Making 5

This week we have been looking at what makes 5 in maths. Some children independently recording their learning on to the large sheet during provision, as well as using manipulatives to show their workings.

Anti-Bullying week

Today in crew we looked at what bullying is and how this would make us feel. The children showed great compassion and came up with ways they could support and care for their friends.

Miss Wood


Time To Read Tuesday

We loved sharing a book and a biscuit again yesterday for our Time To Read Tuesday crew, with our grown ups. Remember this happens every Tuesday at 2:30pm, we would love it if you could join us.

Miss Wood


Guinea Pigs

Yesterday we had some little visitors down in EYFS. The children were very excited to see the guinea pigs and did some beautiful drawings of them.

Miss Wood


Rainy Days

Yesterday we had lots of fun jumping in puddles and playing outside in the rain. If your child does not have wellies and waterproofs in school please could you make sure these come in, thankyou.

Miss Wood


Maths Week Challenge – Wednesday

Share your answers with your teachers tomorrow and check back in tomorrow for the answer

Tuesday’s Maths Challenge Solution

How many handshakes?

Amy, Liam, Samira and Luke meet up. Each person shakes hands with every other person once. How many handshakes are there in total?

Answer: 6

Maths Week Challenge – Tuesday

Remember to share your answer with your teacher. Check back tomorrow for the answer.

Monday’s Maths Challenge Solution

How many siblings?

Mary has twice as many brothers as sisters, while her brother John has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many children are there in their family?

Answer: 4 children altogether

Mary has 2 brothers and one sister, while John has 2 sisters and 1 brother.

Maths Week Challenge – Monday

How many siblings?

Mary has twice as many brothers as sisters, while her brother John has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many children are there in their family?

Share your answers with your teachers tomorrow and check back in on Tuesday for the answer