Well done to Ellis who sat beautifully all the way through the KS1 Nativity this afternoon and joined in clapping to support them. So proud of you!
Miss Wood
Well done to Ellis who sat beautifully all the way through the KS1 Nativity this afternoon and joined in clapping to support them. So proud of you!
Miss Wood
F2W have made a beautiful handprint Christmas Tree to take to the church with us when we do our nativity. All children then signed the card, we are very excited to share this.
Miss Wood
Well done to Ellis who got our yellow tshirt today! Ellis has been sitting on the carpet with his peers a lot more and did great sitting and signing during nativity practice.
Miss Wood
It was lovely to watch a group of children working together to create an animal park. They shared ideas, created a story, involved others in their play and were focussed for the afternoon session.
Well done
Mrs Price
When we went outside this morning we found lots of ice. We talked about what it looked and felt like. We explored what we could do with it.
Mrs Price
Shoutout to Jennifer who has massively improved her attendance and has been to school every day so far this week! Keep it up Jennifer, we love to see you here.
Miss Wood
Yesterday Lacey, Macey and Maria were really kind and helpful by supporting their peers with their cutting out.
Miss Wood
Last week we celebrated our learning journey. Have a look at what we did.
EYFS staff
Josie listened very carefully to why we celebrate the Nativity then went into provision and drew a beautiful picture of some of the characters.
Miss Wood
Shoutout to Elliot who was super helpful this afternoon, helping his peers to zip up their coats.
Miss Wood