Anti-littering Activism in 3H

3H have spent time looking at a range of different anti-littering posters today. They critiqued the examples we gave them, pointing out the strong elements as well as areas which could be even better! Then designed their own. Some very thoughtful suggestions were made about why it is so important to make sure we ‘Bin it, don’t drop it!’

Well done guys. You were fab for Miss Wood this morning and worked so hard with me this afternoon too!

Also, I hope you enjoyed the time you spent with the graffiti artist…just look at your finished product! WOWEE! Please, please, please 3H, take your parents, carers and/or other adults who collect you from school around to see the wall you helped to paint. It really is a piece of art to be proud of and you’ll have your mark on the building forever! Imagine when you’re grown up and bringing your own kids to Plover…You could say, “I did that!”

Mrs Haycock
