Year 5/6’s celebration of learning!

We would like to thank everyone for the amazing turn out for our celebration of learning. Our Year 5&6’s have worked so hard this term. Our guiding question was ‘how can one moment influence our future’. We linked this to character traits and how just one moment of couarge can have such a big impact.

They then looked at a range of significant people and how they have used course to change: Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst and Martin Luther King all whom have had a significant impact on today’s society. 
Our 5/6’s have also been inspired by Ben Parkinson and the courage he shows daily which is why our final product is dedicated to Ben. 
We cannot wait to display our beautiful work in our local community. 
Will you have courage to stand up for change? Capture your pledges to change on our Padlet here!

-Miss Blackham
