Year 1 Updates on Home learning

Hi KS1 grown ups,

Just a reminder following on from last weeks paper slip.

  • Phonics reading books and plastic book bags to be read and brought in daily.
  • Boggledy book and cotton beige bags to be brought in every TUESDAY – to read for pleasure as an aspirational book.
  • 12 high frequency word spellings have been given out today for children to practise everyday as there will be a little test on Friday.
  • Literacy and Maths work sheets will be given on a Wednesday and Thursday. These are to be returned on a Friday.
  • Freckle and Reading Eggs are fantastic online platforms to develop fundamental skills and we will be monitoring time spent on these šŸ™‚

Prizes and rewards will be awarded to children who are completing these tasks!

All of the above are to support your child’s education at home, along with the learning they do every day in school which their reports shared last week in the pledges section.

Thank you for your continued support! #LovePlover