Week 4 Phonics overview

Week 4
Here’s an overview for this week’s phonics sessions. This week we will be learning letter names and singing the alphabet. There are lots of songs, some are included here as examples. Feel free to sing your own but remember to use an English version with Z being said as zed not zee.

This week we will be focusing on the trigraphs ear and air, reading and writing phase 2 and 3 tricky words and revising phase 2 and 3 graphemes and phomnemes. You may use the flashcards you have made or use these links each day:
phase 2 graphemes

phase 2 tricky words

phase 3 graphemes

phase 3 tricky words

phase 4 tricky words

Alphabet songs



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Phonics should be taught daily at 11:10am. More detail with links will be added each day.