Wednesday 6th January

Good Morning,

Our face to face online learning starts at 8:50 this morning with our crew circle. Please use the Google Meet code to join. is the code that we will use for all of our sessions today.

Please go onto the feelings check in on Google Classroom and complete as your do now task. We also have an on this day task (task 2) while you are waiting for people to join.

We will start our day with Crew and feelings, followed by Expedition, then English after break and then we will have maths after lunch. At the end of the day we will meet as crew and complete our howls.

We have built breaks into the day. Lunch this week will be at 11:55 for the children in school, so that will be a change to the timetable for this week.

Don’t worry if things don’t work right straight away, this is new for all of us – we will all be experts in technology soon!

Looking forward to seeing you,

Mrs Graves


Some of the great work completed yesterday in school –  well done Bradley, Jamilia and James