We are scientists

So what happens when the gingerbread man gets to the river but the fox has disappeared? What can he do? Where should he go?

The children decided that he needed to swim across the water so we set up an investigation to find out what would happen.

Some children thought that he would float and others sink. Some said he would be soggy and others said he would melt. We learnt what melting meant and used the word dissolved.

We placed our gingerbread men in warm water like the river and at first he floated but then disaster, the gingerbread men started to disappear. They went soggy, started sinking and finally dissolved into the warm water.

We decided that he needed to find a boat and not swim in the water.

We will be making bridges for him and a boat to see which way is best for the gingerbread man to travel across the river.

Mrs Price
