Thereā€™s been some evil things happening in 1Cr!

What a start to the new year! We arrived in our classroom this morning to see some terrible crimes had been committed whilst we were away. We hunted the classroom to take pictures of the crime scene, we made predictions about who could have done these terrible things and we shared our new class text! Our new class text is Supertato! We looked at the front cover and talked about what we predicted might happen in the story. After reading an email from the kitchen about some peas going missing from the freezer, we believe we know who our culprit is! EVIL PEA!

As we don’t have Supertato at our school, we designed our own Super Vegetable/Fruit! Someone who could fight our villain, who is still at large!

Text Coding!

In our English lesson yesterday, we explored our model text more deeply. We talked about common features you would expect to find in a Recount. First we talked about what a Recount is, why we write them and who we are writing them for. We then searched for evidence of past tense verbs, writing in the first person (pronouns) and using time adverbials. We swapped colours for every feature to show the difference. Finally we looked for evidence of opinions.

A signed recount!

This morning we have started our brand new unit of writing – writing a recount! As part of our new unit we discussed what a recount is and what some of the features are. We then used our experts (Thank you Miss Henderson and Mr Anderson) to learn some of the signs to help us orally retell our model text.

Instructions ✍️ 🐝

Today we introduced our class stimulus text: Omar, The Bees and Me! It is a wonderful stories about two friends who are on a mission to help the bees. We talked about what we had created for our eco garden and what we had done to help the bees. We then thought it would be a lovely idea to share with more people on how they could make Bee Hotels too! We introduced our new model text and we were very lucky today, as Mrs. Swann taught us the BSL signs to accompany it! Thank you Mrs. Swann for your help! 🐝

1C’s Very Own Bee Hotels!

Today, 1C made lovely bee hotels to attract our buzzy friends to our eco-garden. We had to follow instructions to be able to do this and make sure that we got the steps in the right order. After this, we read our new focus text which is ‘Omar, The Bees and Me’ written by Helen Mortimer.

Instructions: Bee Hotel 🐝

As part of our new writing unit, we are learning to write instructions. Today, we practiced following some instructions on how to make a bee hotel. First we collected some sticks to create the middle section. Then we made our bed hotels in mini crews before heading outside to put them in our eco-garden.

Looking for ED! 👀

In our class this week we have been looking for ā€œEDā€. He turns out verbs into the past tense version. He can be sneaky because sometimes he sounds like a t!
The children worked collaboratively to find ā€œEdā€ in our text map.

Retelling Stories!

This week we have been learning our model text. We broke it down into three parts and acted out the parts of the story.

Somebody Swallowed Stanley!

This morning we introduced our new class text which is ā€œSomebody Swallowed Stanleyā€. We revealed the front cover to the children and we made inferences about it. E.g. where do they think the story was set? They used their knowledge of animals to decipher that it must have been under the sea as he is surrounded by animals with gills! We also thought about what Stanley might be thinking and feeling. The children used the front cover to look for clues to prove their thinking. We then made jellyfish to decorate our classroom with a to represent the jellyfish in the story.

Fact Files 🐦

As part of our writing unit, we have been looking at the Big Book of Birds. We started off writing about Parrots, making sure we used and to join our sentences. Then we applied what we had learned to writing about Flamingos. This week the children have completed an independent writing tasks about Robins. Very proud of you 1/2K. You are amazing. 🌟