Thank you Year 1 grown-ups!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you wonderful grown-ups who came to our phonics workshop this morning. The children were so excited to show off what they have been learning and teach you how to help them. If you have any more questions regarding the Phonics Screening or anything Phonics, please feel free to ask!

Phonics Stay & Learn!


As some of you may know, in June the children will sitting their Phonics Screening Check. 

This year we have been following the Read Write Inc scheme and we would like to share with you some of the practices so you could support your child further. I invite you to come and see this in action. As well as having the opportunity to work with your child and practice their sounds. 

If you could enter your child’s name below to suggest that you would like to attend, we will be having the session on Friday 10th May at 9:00. 

Miss Ketteringham

Phonics Club!

A big thank you to Kayson, Elisa, Elizabeth, Bailey, Kamari and Flynn who stayed behind to practice their Phonics tonight. We played snakes and ladders and Trash or Treasure on the iPads. I loved seeing how excited you were about Phonics. See you next week!

Fluent Readers 📖

A huge well done to Ruby-Ann and Kobin, today is only the second time they have looked at this book and they could read most of it fluently. Well done 👏🏻

Phonics Superstars!

Well done to these superstars. Very proud of some of the expression they used whilst reading their new book. Well done Kamari, Bailey, Lola and Johnboy. ⭐️

Phonics Superstars ⭐️

Shout out to Johnboy, Maisie, Kobin and Riley! You were fantastic in phonics this morning. I loved how well you were listening and how beautifully you worked with your partner. Well done!

Phonics Superstars! ⭐️

Phonics stars of the day! Well done Riley, Johnboy, Flynn, Bailey, Maisie, Lola, Benson and Ruby-Ann!