Family learning in Crew Brown

On the final day of Hook Week, we spent some of the morning in our crews designing a Crew robot. We combined our ideas to design a robot that makes healthy snacks/drinks and encourages different physical activities to keep people fit and healthy. I would like to say a huge shoutout to all of the adults who came in to support the children with creating the robot in our family learning event in the afternoon. Everyone worked well together to make our amazing design a reality and should be super proud of the end product.

Miss Brown


All about animals in 3B

We’ve had some fun, active lessons learning all about animals in Hook Week. First, we played an active food chain game to learn about the flow of energy within a food chain between grass, deer and wolves. Then, we worked in teams to classify different types in animals as either a mammal, reptile, amphibian, insect, fish, bird or arachnid based on their different features. Everyone took part and had lots of fun while learning.

Miss Brown


First day back in 3B

Happy New Year! 3B have had an amazing start to first week back.

Shoutout to those children who made a special effort to dress up as a robot for the occasion. We spent the morning in our crews completing some activities to hook the children into the learning for our new expedition this term. These activities included investigating the internal organs, skeleton and muscles using AI and interactive games; classifying robots; making electronic circuits and cutting and sticking robots and skeletons.

Children were given a word at the end of each workshop to workout our new guiding question: The power of life: What makes us human?

As reward for solving the puzzle and in preparation for Friday’s learning, we spent the afternoon watching the film Robots.

The children are all hooked in and excited to learn more.

Miss Brown


Go Bananas!

As an introduction to our new Expedition, we became YouTuber’s and made our own dance video. Our topic is Ready, Steady, Grow and we are going to be learning all about how to live a healthy lifestyle. We created a video to teach you some dance moves so you can dance along at home too. GO BANANAS!

There’s been some evil things happening in 1Cr!

What a start to the new year! We arrived in our classroom this morning to see some terrible crimes had been committed whilst we were away. We hunted the classroom to take pictures of the crime scene, we made predictions about who could have done these terrible things and we shared our new class text! Our new class text is Supertato! We looked at the front cover and talked about what we predicted might happen in the story. After reading an email from the kitchen about some peas going missing from the freezer, we believe we know who our culprit is! EVIL PEA!

As we don’t have Supertato at our school, we designed our own Super Vegetable/Fruit! Someone who could fight our villain, who is still at large!

1Cr Celebration of Learning!

A huge thank you to all of you wonderful grown-ups who attended our Celebration of Learning on Friday. It was wonderful to see your children so excited to show you what they had been learning; they have definitely taught me some things about William the Conquerer! We hope you enjoyed the quiz and making a catapult.

3B Wilderspin trip

3B had a wonderful time learning all about life during the Second World War at Wilderspin. They learnt about the different roles of people on the home front and the life of a child evacuee. A great start to hook week!

Miss Brown



In 1/2K we are becoming really fantastic artists. We have been practicing and practicing our line art. We have drafted this piece 5 times, learning more skills as we go along! Yesterday we completed our final pieces by using the different shading techniques before we began our drafts. We are really proud to share with you some of the children’s work!

1/2K Celebration of Learning

Thank you so much to those wonderful parents who joined us this afternoon for our celebration of learning. They delivered a wonderful presentation of our learning and it was so great to see everyone being super brave to say their own parts. I am so proud of all of you 1/2K!

The children have worked so hard this term as both local Geographers and local Historians. They have shown great enthusiasm learning more about the things they see all the time and I am so proud of their achievements. We were especially proud of our final product. We have created a scheme of learning to teach others BSL, we hope to spread this around to educate and open up conversations for as many people as we can. This has been something that has been very important in our classroom and the impact for our children really has been something special to be a part of.

Behind the scenes….

A sneak peek behind the scenes in KS1 this afternoon. We have been movie stars this afternoon, filming videos in front of a green screen with Geoff! This will be for our final product and we are so excited to share it with you. A big thank you to Geoff for filming and Plover’s own experts Joe, Zuzanna and Rahoz for being the best directors EVER!