Thereā€™s been some evil things happening in 1Cr!

What a start to the new year! We arrived in our classroom this morning to see some terrible crimes had been committed whilst we were away. We hunted the classroom to take pictures of the crime scene, we made predictions about who could have done these terrible things and we shared our new class text! Our new class text is Supertato! We looked at the front cover and talked about what we predicted might happen in the story. After reading an email from the kitchen about some peas going missing from the freezer, we believe we know who our culprit is! EVIL PEA!

As we don’t have Supertato at our school, we designed our own Super Vegetable/Fruit! Someone who could fight our villain, who is still at large!

Rosa Parks

This morning 1/2 K began learning about Rosa Parks. We started by listening to her life story and all the amazing things Rosa did to change the lives of lots of people. First we talked about her childhood and wrote some simple sentences about it.