‘Summer Sun Fun’ on Friday afternoon!

As summer has finally arrived, we would like to invite all parents and carers to have tea and cake with their children on the school field from 1pm on Friday afternoon. We appreciate that this is short notice but we would like to make the most of the weather on the last day of the school year and enjoy fun outside!

There will be a range of activities along with refreshments. Previously owned uniform will be available too!

If you would like to join in the fun, please arrive at school for 1pm, when you will be able to collect children from their classroom doors so that they can be signed out. Any children who are not collected by parents will still take part and will be supervised by the class teacher. EYFS children will enjoy activities in the EYFS outdoor area.

Bring a picnic blanket and join in the fun! Our local ice-cream man will be attending too!

We hope to see you there!
