Plover Praise Postcards

Shout out to these superstars who have received a Plover Praise Postcard!

Massive appreciation to Eliza, who joined Plover and our class last week. Eliza has taken everything in her stride, from routines to learning and making new friends. A fantastic addition to 1M! Keep shining bright 🙂

I praise Vivan for working hard last week and showing some great learning in his work! It is brilliant to see Vivan growing in confidence and communicating more and more with friends and teachers! Keep it up buddy 🙂

A super thank you to Lawand from Mr Meade and Miss Benn for last week. For always being a great role model in our classroom, who always works hard to get smart! He is full of enthusiasm and shares great ideas in his learning! Well done Lawand 🙂

Mr Meade
