On Monday, we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Dawn, a volunteer at green peace who warned us about the dangers of plastic to our environment and shocked us with some scary facts! We had lots of questions to ask us and she was pleased we are taking plastic pollution so seriously. My key take away from her talk was that no plastic is even better then recycled plastic, I’m thinking I might try and find alternative ways to wrap up my sandwich at lunch instead of using plastic wrap. What will you do?
I have been very impressed with the children’s ability to see fractions, and to recognise that each part of the shape must be equal. The classroom is flooded with models that we will no doubt be using throughout the week to help us identify fractions of shapes, length and quantities. Talk with your adult at home about how you can find fractions in shapes (a great excuse to convince parents and carers to feed you pizza for tea!). Remember the important word is equal!
Cheers to Brooke for role playing as a turtle today in our seating. We have been very inquisitive and empathetic, considering how our human impact is making such a devastating impact on our sea creatures.
See you tomorrow!