Thursday’s learning
Today we are going to think about sentences and what a sentence is. We are going to use a picture of Goldilocks from the story. Think about adjectives to describe the picture eg lumpy porridge, cross face.
This is a link to the picture and sheet for today’s learning.
Adding labels and sentences to Goldilocks picture
Using the picture say a sentence about it. Count out the words that you need to write. Then write your sentence. Don’t forget finger spaces, writing on the line, getting the letters the right way and putting a full stop at the end of the sentence. Sound out the words on your own and write the sounds you can hear.
Grown – ups – it doesn’t matter if the words aren’t spelled correctly. We want them to have a go at sounding out. You may need to repeat the word to help them hear the sounds. Please don’t correct them at this stage unless it is a tricky word – the, to, no, go, I.
Please share your writing back with us.
Thank you
Mrs Price