2P had a fabulous time on our fieldwork visit to Sandall Beat Woods. We learnt about the food that poor and rich people would have eaten in Medieval times and how food was cooked over open fires. We made some Peasant food. We used the vegetables that would have been available at the time to make a simple vegetable soup. The children were really surprised at how tasty it was – well, most of them! We then made our own piece of flat bread, which was cooked in the clay oven. Finally, we did our own cooking over the fire to make caramelised apples and smores. We then constructed a simple castle structure and tested our security with a flour bomb attack. We just about got away unscathed! We practised our soldier skills and then had a flour bomb fight to see if we could beat our opposition. It was a fabulous visit and we are now much more knowledgeable about different roles in a castle.