We used our background knowledge around caterpillars and butterflies, to create actions and movements for our dance. We worked on counting and movements to the musics to create our dance routine! #LovePlover
Category : Plover Sport
OSF Community Dance Club
Y3 have had a great experience at the gymnastics event!
Well done to everyone who took part in the gymnastics event; you were all awesome!
You were so brave – the high beam and the bars looked so scary but you all did it. I am so proud of each and every one of you!
Mrs Haycock
Caterpillar Detectives
Yesterday we had some special little visitors join our class. 5 tiny caterpillars. We are going to care for them and see how they grow. We learned the lifecycle of a caterpillar and then did active learning by acting each stage out. #LovePlover
OSF Community Karate Clubs
The children continued to developed their discipline, fitness and learnt some techniques for self-defence! #LovePlover
Y5 Tag Rugby Comp
We are so proud of these Y5 tag rugby players who for many took part in their first sporting competition. They came back off the coach buzzing about their experience and we were so proud of their efforts! Well done Ellis for his special recognition award. #LovePlover

Girls Football Club
Awesome to see the girls football club growing in numbers each week. Well done girls on your progress and skills during the matches. Good work Mrs Brooks! #LovePlover
OSF Community Football Club
Great attendance, work rate and enthusiasm on show at yesterdays football clubs. #LovePlover
OSF Community Cricket Club
A lot more bowling and batting was the focus in tonight’s clubs! #LovePlover
See How Things Grow – Fieldwork
A lovely, fresh walk to and around the woods this morning. Observing and exploring nature and the outdoors. We were looking for signs Spring or new life. Thank you grown ups for your active support! #LovePlover