Sorting objects

The focus of our maths learning this week is sorting. Today we listened to a story about sorting and how objects can be sorted in different ways. We practiced sorting vehicles in different ways.

John-Boy got a postcard today for working really hard in this lesson and challenging himself to sort in different ways. Well done John-Boy.

Mrs Price


Ordering in different ways

Kaya has been interested in creating number lines in different ways. She has used greater and less, said the numbers and has compared them. She started with the number cards, then ordered Numicon. She used pictures to count along the line. In the afternoon she continued her learning by ordering number tiles and making cube towers to match. I praise you Kaya for your focus and talking about what you were learning.

Mrs Price


Pretend shopping

Today we have been learning about money. We talked about how much things cost and ifwe had enough money to buy what we wanted. The children took turns being the customer and the shop keeper.

Mrs Price



In maths this week we have been looking at doubles. F2W have become really confident in spotting doubles and explaining why, some children can also recall me some doubles.

Miss Wood


What do you notice?

In maths we have been using the question “What do you notice?” This has prompted lots of discussions around what the children can see. They have then applied this learning to representations using the 10 frame.

Ellie and Kaya made up a game where they took turns to be the teacher sharing their learning. John made circles to show what he had learnt. Maisie and Kyla had a competition to see if they could work out the patterns on the 10 frame the fastest.

Mrs Price


What Is 6?

This week we have been exploring the number 6 in maths. The children came up with some excellent answers today about what they noticed when subitising the number 6.

Miss Wood



Today in Year 2 we made pancakes, better late than never!

We followed the recipe and made the batter before Mrs Jobber showed us her expert flipping skills. They were so scrummy, a yummy treat on a rainy day.

Later on in the afternoon, we worked in mini crews to write our own instructions.

Mrs Lewis


Flippin’ pancakes!

We learned how to weigh. We know that we weigh solids in grams and liquids in mls when we are cooking. We learned how to safely prepare food, chop bananas and to clean up properly to keep a hygienic kitchen. Mrs Bubb even managed to flip the pancake! Most of us loved them!

Marvellous Maths

Today we revisited counting back on the number line by making our own big number line on the carpet then we jumped down it! We all did some great learning labs to work on the areas of maths we needed a bit more help with! 5 people got postcards!!! Well done Ines, Corben, Riley, Ruby-Ann and Ianis 🙂