Using a bead string

In maths today we were learning to add using a bead string. We compared our answers by using fingers and cubes to see if we got the same answer. The children worked together to count out and then add.

Mrs Price


Finding a Quarter!

1M were being mathematicians and recognising that four equal parts make quarters. Well done Ivanna who was the first to complete our problem solving task… if this is one quarter of a shape, what is the whole?


We have been learning that a quarter is 1 of 4 equal parts. We shaded a quarter of a shape, cut shapes into quarters, used rulers to draw lines on shapes and objects to split it onto quarters. Then for a green challenge, we had 1/4 of a shape and had to draw which whole shape it could be from. It was very tricky so we used paper shapes to work it out. Some of us made squares and some of us made rectangles. Most of us found it very challenging to draw the shape! Shout out to Riley who nailed it! 👏 #loveplover

Aircraft Museum

The children have been so well behaved at the aircraft museum this morning! We really enjoyed exploring the different planes and helicopters and getting to sit in the cockpits.

Miss Wood



Today, we learned to share into equal groups. We worked out how many each person would get if we shared a number of sweets equally between different amounts.


We have had a mathematical day today! We’ve been making equal groups and then doing repeated addition using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It’s been brilliant! We’ve all enjoyed finding answers, using manipulatives. It’s been hands on- just how we like it! 👍