What can you see?

In maths this week we have been focussing our learning on groups of 1,2 and 3 without counting. Some children are still preferring to count but are beginning to subitise.

Today the children worked together to come up with different things that they could see in the pictures. Some could see groups of 2 or 3 and some extended what they could see saying larger groups or how the groups were made.

Mrs Price


Active Maths

Children have been learning to count on from any number using number tracks and tens frames. #LovePlover

Working Hard in Maths 1M

Children continued to work hard on learning their understanding of place value within 10. They counted pictorials, made with manipulatives, drew the counters, wrote the number!

We also did our expedition entry ticket too.


Counting Using Manipulatives

Shout out to Alex and Elisa for showing some fabulous handwriting and then counting in Maths!

The rest of the children worked hard to count using their cubes.

Mr Meade #LovePlover

Extending maths learning

Well done to Georgie and Georgia who following a maths lesson on subitising challenged each other to say what they could see.

Mrs Price


Counting in Maths 1M

Kamari and Elisa worked beautifully together to build a tall tower… when they counted it was 22 blocks tall!

Lily worked hard on sorting her shapes and objects. #LovePlover

A maths game day

Today the children have been playing lots of maths games. They took turns and shared and followed the rules of the games. Thank you to the year 6 children who helped the children.

Mrs Price


Is it odd or is it even?

In maths today we thought about whether numbers are odd or even and if they are a double. Some children used manipulatives, some used their fingers and some worked it out in their heads.

There was a lot of talk about the numbers.

These were some of the reasons.

It is odd because it doesn’t have afriend.

It is odd because it isn’t the same on each side. It means it isn’t a double.

This is a double because if you split it in the middle it makes 3 and 3.

I know it is a double because 5 and 5 makes 10 and that is the same.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Price


We Are Mathematicians

This week we have been using bead strings to make number bonds to 10 and do one more one less. We have worked so hard on this and some children even extended their own learning during provision.

Miss Wood
