Aircraft Museum

The children have been so well behaved at the aircraft museum this morning! We really enjoyed exploring the different planes and helicopters and getting to sit in the cockpits.

Miss Wood



Today, we learned to share into equal groups. We worked out how many each person would get if we shared a number of sweets equally between different amounts.


We have had a mathematical day today! We’ve been making equal groups and then doing repeated addition using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It’s been brilliant! We’ve all enjoyed finding answers, using manipulatives. It’s been hands on- just how we like it! 👍


This week we have been counting in 2s,5s and 10s. Today, we made equal groups of 5 and tried to count them in 5s. Some of us needed to use a 100 square to help us see the pattern of counting in 5s. We are going to practice counting aloud in 5s to 50. Maybe you could try at home too to make it easier to count things in groups of 5. Most of us were good at counting aloud in 2s and 10s so we could count the groups more easily.