We are mathematicians!

Using place value counters has helped us to develop an understanding of when we need to make an exchange when subtracting. I wonder if your child can explain what they have learnt this week to you, at home? Lots of us are still grappling with this skill so please encourage further practise whenever possible. There has been work set on Freckle to support.

Mrs Haycock


We are mathematicians

Year 5 have been working on square numbers in maths today. For more practise please access Freckle on a regular basis using the code lotysd.

We are working as mathematicians!

My lovely lot have smashed maths this morning! They are BODMAS experts!I am so proud of how hard they have worked especially with our SATs smashers!
-Miss Blackham


Repeating Patterns

This week in maths we have been exploring patterns and looking in particular at ABAB repeating patterns. A special shoutout to Thea and Niana that could continue the patterns independently.

Miss Wood


Making 5

Well done to Milana for fantastic maths today. She was able to say the different ways she could make 5 as well as the ways she could make the numbers within 5. You are a superstar!

Well done to Patsy-Ann who also said how she could make 5 and then challenged herself to record what she had found out. Fantastic maths.

Mrs Price


Working Hard this Week!

In English we have looked at nouns and verbs around our new text ‘Where The Poppies Now Grow’.

In expedition we were historians and have learned about Remembrance day, the significance of Poppies and recited Flanders Field poem.

In Maths we’ve learned about addition and number bonds within 10. We enjoyed problem solving games in PE.

In We Care Wednesday Crew we understood the importance of staying safe online. #LovePlover

An amazing week in 1LI!

This week our children have worked hard with their literacy to understand common and proper nouns, and verbs in order to use these in their writing.

We enjoyed learning our poem ā€œIn Flanders Fields.ā€

We are also learning the names of 3D shapes, please support this at home with finding household objects which are cylinders, cubes, cuboids, cones, pyramids and spheres.

We are greatly enjoying our new phonics and the reading books!

In Flanders Fields;


Which 3D shapes can you find at home?

#Love Plover

Smashing arithmetic in 6SB!

6SB are determined to achieve 40/40 on their arithmetic papers. They are loving moving their names on our interactive display! Our pledge is to ensure EVERYONE gets into the blue circle which is 30+ marks by February half term! Ask your children every Thursday what score they have achieved in their weekly test!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 have smashed long division!

A shout out to the children who joined the pre teach session before school this morning! Year 6 smashed long division today. Super proud of each and everyone of them. We have added some extended study questions onto Google classroom for you all to engage with this weekend!

Well done everyone!

-Miss Blackham
