Making Music

1M have been doing charanga during this half term with Mr Schofield. They have been exploring different musical instruments, how to make music and beats with their body parts and creating different rhythms. #LovePlover

Reading and Homework in Year 1 and 2

This week the percentage of children who have recorded their reading at home is quite low.

Week 3This Week
Crew Bubb20%
Crew Carter54%
Crew Meade53%
Crew Jobber40%
Crew Lewis12%
Crew Pickering12%

To ensure the children continue to work hard and get smart, we have started a little competition between the crews.

Each FRIDAY the children will bring home a homework sheet. This will have a space to record their reading on and some maths and spelling homework.

The children will have until the following THURSDAY to complete the homework and return to their crew leader.

This will replace the reading logs.

The children that complete their home learning, will earn points towards a treat at the end of the term. But they can only earn points if they return their homework! Children will be able to complete this at school as well if needed, during a lunchtime club.

We understand that it is a whole family effort, so we will also be running a raffle for a parent prize. Each time a homework sheet is returned we will enter into a small prize draw.

Le Francais

KS1 Poem of the week

Each week as part of our Reading Crew, the children are going to be learning to perform and recite poetry. We decided to start with a traditional funny poem.

Have a go at reading with us!

On the Ning Nang Nong

On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There’s a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can’t catch ’em when they do!
So itā€™s Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong I
s the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!

By Spike Milligan

Stan and Mabel

We read a new story called ‘Stan and Mabel’. After that, we made a big story map to help us recall the story. In the story, we met lots of animals who play instruments. They go all the way to Italy to play at La Scala opera house. In our learning labs, the children sorted instruments into types, made their own story maps and constructed a bridge for the animals to cross.