1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. .Sing an alphabet song.
3, Recap digraph ai
4. Today we will learning to read and write ee words. Show the grapheme and practice writing it.
5. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xM941AjNtg&feature=youtu.be
6. PlayPicnic on pluto on phonics play. Choose phase 3 and the +ee grapheme first but you could practise other graphemes too.
Today we are going to be retelling the story using props that we have around us. Think about what you have at home and what you could use for the swishy grass, squelching mud, deep river, wooing snow storm, stumble trip forest etc.
We will be using different things in school to help us. Send us a video of your retelling.
If you need to watch the story again here is the link.
I am looking forward to seeing your videos.
Mrs Price
Hi Everyone!
There will be a joint hangout in the morning for F2P and F2S at 9:00am and another at 2:30pm. Please check your emails for invitations and I look forward to seeing you all there.
Mrs Shuka
The challenge today was to create the story. I am so proud of the learning that I have seen today especially from Samuel, Myla and Shay who created the story using different media.
I have also seen some fantastic reading and writing along with phonics practice. Well done to Mason, Bobby and George particularly. George even extended his learning into writing sentences.
Well done everyone
Mrs Price
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. .Quick write lower case letter in response to letter name.
3, Recap digraph ng
4. Today we will learning to read and write ai words. Show the grapheme and practice writing it.
5. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JadqW0SsDi4&feature=youtu.be
Play buried treasure on phonics play. Choose phase 3 and the +ai grapheme first but you could practise other graphemes too.
Other ideas for play this week
We are learning the story We’re going on a bear hunt. Here are some play ideas.
Small world – Create a We’re going on a bear hunt tray and props
Make a giant bear like in the story
Writing – letter frame templates, speech bubbles
Paint picture of the story
Create the story in your garden
Splash in muddy puddles – go for a walk in the woods
Teddies in dough – teddy and shape cutters
Cutting and sticking – split pin teddies, masks, templates
Create a bear cave using lego, construction, cereal box etc
Water – make different sounds
Use water pistols outside to make the splashing sound, you could spray tricky words, letters or numbers to help you practice them.
Mrs Price
This is the video for zig-zag letters.
Handwriting this week is focused on zig – zag letters. These are also know as cross body letters. Practice using 1 hand, touching the shoulder on the same side and then crossing to the opposite hip. Try with the other hand.
Practice these letters everyday. Make sure that you sit them on the line.
Mrs Price
This week in phonics we will be focusing on reading and writing the phase 3 graphemes ai, ee, igh and tricky words are, they, all, was.
This is an overview of the week with links to resources that you will need to print or get ready. More detail will be blogged and posted on Evidence Me every day.
We experienced using watercolours today and the children were able to choose to paint if they wanted to. We had some amazing pictures and the children enjoyed being artists.
Here are some of our creations.
Well done to our artists.
Our Pride of Plover went to Liwan today, She has had an amazing week especially in reading, writing and phonics. Well done Liwan.
Friday 5th Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Sing an alphabet song
3. Today we will learning to read and write sh words. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZQlx6ULaS0&feature=youtu.be
3. Read the minibook (wk3) The King Reading Mini Book – The King. Write a list of the things that the king asked for
and share it on Evidence Me.