Trying dinners

Well done to Kobin who tried dinners for the first time today and said he enjoyed it. We are so proud of him for trying new things.
Mrs Price


Beautiful writing

Shoutout to Weronika who did some amazing writing this week and has been trying really hard to learn her phonics digraphs.

Miss Wood


Pride of Plover

Mason has done some amazing writing this week using his phonics knowledge! He also made a pledge to get 4s in his HOWLs which he most definitely has achieved. Well done keep it up.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover.

Well done to Ellie May, Kamari and Almina this week for being awarded the yellow t shirt. They are getting ready to be in Foundation 2 in September, following routines and instructions.

So proud

Mason has blown me away today with his writing. He has tried so hard to listen for sounds and was so proud of his finished writing.

Well done Mason.

Mrs Price


Clean oceans.

This week, we have been talking about how rubbish in our oceans is so bad for the animals which live there. We made an extra large fish collage, with rubbish which is found in the ocean.

Wonderful learners

Well done to Harper and Pheobe for showing fantastic learning today. You were an excellent example to the others.

Mrs Price


Exploring shapes

Following on from exploring triangles we explored squares today. The children then went on to find out more about shapes, sorting shapes, building with shapes and talking about them.


Is it a square or triangles?

We have been learning about right angled triangles today and how they fit together. The children explored how they could make triangles, squares and oblongs using the triangles. Some children then went on to make pictures with them.

Mrs Price
